Access/One® Long-Range 4.9GHz DSRC-C Mask
Strix expands the Access/One Network OWS family with the introduction of Strix long range 4.9GHZ radios employing high power DSRC-C mask. The FCC in accordance with other parties have defined the communications band for public safety communications which uses the 4.9 GHz spectrum. This spectrum is defined from 4940 to 4990 MHz. To enable flexibility of deployments, two emissions masks are defined: DSRC-A for deployments requiring 20 dBm or less and the DSRC-C mask which provides transmit power greater than 20dBm for deployments requiring greater range, penetration and coverage. Read more Video Surveillance With video surveillance cameras becoming increasingly pervasive, and with city-wide installation of IP-based cameras on lamp-posts, buildings, and patrol cars, police can use their PDAs or laptops to watch what's going on and manage an event clearly across town. Secure broadband access enables the transmission of databases, fingerprints, and photo images from anywhere in the community. Secure, high-speed capabilities are necessary to upload and download field reports and images that require fast data throughput.